Universal Radio Hacker URH is an amazing tool to analyze wireless protocols around us and start on SDR Security, it has native support for the most common SDR Hardware and it recognizes the most common modulations and it can demodulate it on the fly.

In this tutorial I will explain how to install URH and explain some of its basic features on further tutorials I will explain how to use it in deep.

URH Features

Universal Radio Hacker
Universal Radio Hacker
  • Automatic Demodulation
  • Custom Decoding
  • Fuzzing
  • Signal Record
  • Spectrum Analysis
  • Sniff Protocol

It can be used to analyze the spectrum or record the signal and transmit it again

URH Options
URH Options

URH Supported devices

As we can see in the following image, URH has support for many SDR devices some of them with TX capabilities.

URH Supported devices
URH Supported devices

Install Universal Radio Hacker

To install URH on Linux we have three ways, using pip or our package manager or we can install it from the source. In this manual, I will explain all of them.

Install URH Method 1 – Pip

sudo python3 -m pip install --upgrade pip
sudo python3 -m pip install urh

Install URH Method 2 – Package Manager

sudo apt -y install urh

Install URH Method 3 – From Source

git clone https://github.com/jopohl/urh/
cd urh
python setup.py install

Upgrade URH

python3 -m pip install --upgrade urh


URH Git Hub Project

WHID Elite: Open-Source Multi-Purpose Offensive Device


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