Airgeddon is an open-source wireless network security testing tool that can be used to perform various types of wireless network security tests.

Table of Contents
Install Airgeddon
To install it clone the source code from github and enter in the new folder.
git clone --depth 1
cd airgeddon
Execute Airgeddon
Execute the script:
sudo bash
Install Airgeddon Missing Dependencies
In order to use airgeddon functionalities s necessary to install some missing dependencies.
apt install isc-dhcp-server hostapd lighttpd bettercap
Install SSLstrip
git clone
sudo python install
Wireless penetration test
Airgeddon Features
Airgeddon have a lot of features, here i will list a few of them:
- Evil Twin attacks (Rogue AP)
- WPS attacks
- PMKID Crack
- Enterprise networks attack
- WEP All-in-One attack
- Full support for 2.4Ghz and 5Ghz
- DoS over wireless networks
- WPA/WPA2 Cracking
Evil Twin attacks – Rogue AP
- Only Rogue/Fake AP mode to sniff using external sniffer (Hostapd + DHCP + DoS)
- Simple integrated sniffing (Hostapd + DHCP + DoS + Ettercap)
- Integrated sniffing, sslstrip2 (Hostapd + DHCP + DoS + Bettercap)
- Integrated sniffing, sslstrip2 and BeEF Browser Exploitation Framework (Hostapd + DHCP + DoS + Bettercap + BeEF)
- Captive portal with “DNS blackhole” to capture wifi passwords (Hostapd + DHCP + DoS + Dnsspoff + Lighttpd)
- Optional MAC spoofing for all Evil Twin attacks
WPS attacks
- WPS scanning (wash). Self parameterization to avoid “bad fcs” problem
- Custom PIN association (bully and reaver)
- Pixie Dust attacks (bully and reaver)
- Bruteforce PIN attacks (bully and reaver)
- Null PIN attack (reaver)
- Known WPS PINs attack (bully and reaver), based on online PIN database with auto-update
- Integration of the most common PIN generation algorithms (ComputePIN, EasyBox, Arcadyan, etc.)
- Offline PIN generation and the possibility to search PIN results on database for a target
- Parameterizable timeouts for all attacks
Enterprise networks attacks
- Fake AP using “smooth” and “noisy” modes capturing enterprise hashes and plain passwords
- Custom certificates creation
Essential Tools
The script doesn’t work if you don’t have installed all of them
Command | Possible package name | â‹… | Command | Possible package name |
iw | iw | â‹… | awk | awk | gawk |
airmon-ng | aircrack-ng | â‹… | airodump-ng | aircrack-ng |
aircrack-ng | aircrack-ng | â‹… | xterm | xterm |
ip | iproute2 | â‹… | tmux | tmux |
lspci | pciutils | â‹… | ps | procps | procps-ng |
Once the installation is complete, you can launch Airgeddon by running the following command in the terminal:
sudo airgeddon
Note: Airgeddon requires root privileges to run. Therefore, it is recommended to run it as a superuser.